not surprisingly i have a little anecdotal story to share.
one of my best friends invited me over to his family's thanksgiving eve party to meet and mingle, i guess he thought id be good at that, probably something hes reconsidering but you cant win them all. well things were going along pretty swimmingly at first, i was enjoying a nice spot of punch (punch = death sangria), chatting it up with his friends and family and of course enjoying a little nosh. it just so happens a little bit of that nosh got caught in between my front left tooth and whatever the one next to it is called. i thought to myself, no biggie anne, turn around remove it with your thumb nail and problem solved. this might be an over the top analogy but since its dealing with me i think its appropriate, you know how there are things that you do all the time that if you made just one false step you could like die or something, like your heel catches the top of the step and you tumble down, that kind of thing. this was totally that. instead of quickly and quietly removing the piece of debris that may or may not have even been visible, i sliced open the top of my gum above my big tooth. id had just enough to drink to think "oh maybe that didnt really happen" but then when i smiled and parker goes "is your mouth bleeding"...well that and the fact that i could feel an actual flap of gum moving about in my mouth, i realized basically that im an idiot. its true these things really can happen to anyone! so i run to the bathroom with parker and am staring at this mess in my mouth while blood drips down in between my two teeth and parker is just laughing telling me to drink more because it will sterilize the area, even though im relatively certain that alcohol is just going to thin my blood and cause it to bleed more. luckily the mouth heals quickly, and by that i mean a big hideous black scab formed giving me in essence a black tooth for the rest of the evening making me look like a legitimate pirate, of which i am not. the scab stayed with me for a lucky two more days, until now where the flap of gum has finally given up on me and ive been left with significantly more of one front tooth showing than the other. lucky for you i figured out how to use iphotobooth. so here is my slightly less gummy than usual smile. enjoy.

gross right, well i have to deal with it. does anyone know how long it takes for gums to regenerate.
other than that my family made it through another holiday without one of my parents walking out so id say overall its been a success.
for now