Sunday, March 29, 2009
the grand fml
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
movin on up
im sitting on campus eating a horrible sandwich right now. i made it myself. i dont even understand what happened to me this morning.
i almost dont want tell you whats on it, but its so terrible its funny.
2 slices generic imitation-wheat white bread
wegmans brand hard salami
wegmans brand deli sliced swiss
plochmans yellow mustard
- and the kicker -
miracle whip
i mean seriously this sandwich was god awful, but not even that can keep my spirits down because IT has happened.
what IT is this zealously capitalized it i speak of you ask
well after months of badgering anyone who would listen to me kvetch about how i should be a coach and shift-leader at work, i have finally been approached with step one: “the coaches passport”. i KNEW they needed me. how could I possibly be a regular server. im honestly just surprised that the restaurant was able to function thus far without me in a position of nominal power. dear washingtonian, thanks for rating us #99 out of 100 best this year - we’re coming for you next year with me at the helm. i already know that im going to look back on the days when i was “one of them” and think - “that was so long ago, i dont even remember what its like to be so regular” and then me and all of my other friends (presumably upper management) will laugh and go to our secret shift leaders fort in the labyrinth of garage level b1.
two notes:
1.) approached might not be the accurate term for “shannon can i please be a coach please please?” and “i guess anne”
2.) i dont feel like filling out this passport, its kind of absurd and i really do only work like 2 days a week - maybe this is why they kept saying no to me. i have to list all of my positive and negative attributes as an employee and human being, then come up with “strategies” on how to solve my deepest seeded issues. i also have to do a follow shift. which means that a server who is training and being followed by a coach will also be being followed by me.
this is what that looks like to the diner: server, back-up server, back-up back-up server all peering over their table and discussing loudly the things they did wrong and could have done better. way to instill confidence in your patrons.
as there often is: the silver lining

so fresh
if you have ever wondered to yourself
“how does a person like me become best friends with anne?”
i will give you a little hint today.
1.) get ahold of my address
2.) mail me something like this:
thats right! and i got 2 of them!
3.) also note the creative name addressing. unique flourishes like this will set you apart from the throngs of others currently invested in being my pen pal.
edit out would of course be the address itself (you gotta work for that!)
there might even be the chance i take pictures of it and post it online, like this here “gift” i received from one brandon w. p. what a true friend.
as a matter of fact brandon is basically a wizard when it comes to mailing me things,
other interesting gifts:
a broken plastic dolphin figurine stolen from an office mate
one size 12 womens black pleather and rhinestone mule, also stolen from office mate
and so on in this fashion.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
chronicle of a drunk foretold
after going out with some friends and perhaps imbibing a small amount of what we will refer to as"booze" last night, i came home and was preparing for bed. i turned the lights off and was trying to navigate my way to the bed in the dark. when wouldnt you know it but i sliced my toe on an opened drawer. thats normal. ughh it was bleeding everywhere, and its like the band-aids are two whole floors above me you know. anyways long story short i wake up to this...
just go find the damn band-aids