Saturday, August 31, 2013


i suppose i should get back to it.  you know this blog really had more purpose when i was actually in israel.  and my tumblr was an epic fail.  there are only so many videos of your brother singing opera that you can realistically post hoping that people are going to follow.  i think the new direction, which ive decided as i am writing this, is going to be about trying to make it work.

im certainly not the only confused, single, 26 year old living in new york city trying to be something more than i currently am.  my perspective might not have any more depth, or any depth at all, than anyone else's, but it might resonate for someone.  quite honestly even if it's just myself that's some sort of feat.

yesterday i cleaned off my desk in hopes that by creating a writing center for myself i would actually write.  the fact that im doing this is a positive sign of sorts.  now the fact that my room has no windows and depresses the depths of my soul might be an issue.  but perhaps the clean desk is just a symbol.  its like having a tidy cutting board.  my mind is clear, my mental mis-en-place is in place.  ok i mean sure there is a stack of knives ive yet to use, and books that would never be found near one another on any form of organized bookshelf, but there is clear and useable space in the middle.

allegedly there is no time like the present, so i am going to do my best to use it a little more wisely.

xx anne