but after my alarm (someone with good intentions set on my phone for me) before i broke it *keep reading youll get to that part* went off for like 30 minutes and i finally realized it just sets itself to snooze if you dont do anything about it. really very clever NOKIA, its almost like you didnt want me to miss class, but i figured out your games, and went back to bed...but when i did wake up three hours later i went into my actual room (which i havent been sleeping in seeing as for the past week or so we have ostensibly had 3 singles since two of our roommates are doing some sort of complicated medical thing in jerusalem that makes them better people than i) sam was there and informed me that SHE was on break key (because) she did show up today, whatever some people are just perfect, and they can keep a perfect attendence 8 days running. i 1. dont think ive been to 8 consecutive days of class since middle school and 2. dont need to be comparing myself to her unreal standards, its just not fair to the average joe like me
so my real story of todays missed class starts last night after a delicious meal at the local - meaning closest since there are probably at least 20 within a five minute walking radius - falafel stand (mine was grilled chicken instead) that leore graciously bought for me, we decided to go on a wine run. because we DESERVE a break, i mean the whole day had been obviously so difficult, i hung out - used the internet, wandered around, mailed somethings at the doe'er(post office), {some things of course meaning free write style letters to brandon}, and other such taxing afternoon activities. well since there were four of us (me, nicole, nikki and leore) we needed(not in hebrew i just really wanted to stress it) four bottles of wine.
the ladies, eric, aaron and i, met up around "10/10:30" to start our relaxed evening in. three glass and fifteen minuts later...suffice it to say i was drunk. Then a bunch of things happened, they arent important/are blurry...then came the period of time - actually until about ten minutes ago - in which i was convinced i had broken my cellular telephone, because it "dropped" like 10 times (youd think that wouldnt be an issue since israel created the damned things, but that would have cost me like a hundred bucks just to replace - and look at how fancy the phones theyve given us are)
also it should be noted that when i say broke i mean that the 2s and 8s just werent working at all, and i only know that because i tried to drunk dial paul, and his phone number includes BOTH of my non functioning keys. then of course i tried to call other people, but it turns out every single phone number ever, or that i happen to have memorized (which is like 9) all have 2s and 8s in them. GREAT, so now what - talk to the people im with, i dont do that im a phone kinda gal. (im sure my parents {hi mommy} are actually thrilled with the temporary brokeness of the NOKIA, seeing as its 16 cents to call america, not that i wouldnt have obviously used my very alert sense of discretion for the lengths of those particular calls)
i did eventually make it back to my room - there were lots of things on the bed, some of them were quizically still there this morning
in conclusion, last night was fun - i bonded with my friends, i dont think anyone hates me....and sometimes you really do just need a bahafsakah...(now im going to sit in my room and review the infinitive by myself, because my break is over.
more later
Anne PE
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