barb admitted to throwing you out
what a terrible person
ill always remember the good times....
feat: carey and elyse
feat: amreth "antrhax" daniel long
just me
god doesnt she know what a comfort you were to me all those times i was too drunk to function
-not only did this wretched thing happen to me today-
while sharon and i were walking about in the shuk (open air market) shopping around for tacky knick knacks and gaudy jewelzzz i can wear to offer nissim on friday another one of my horrible ridiculous things happened. first off, we are walking and i stopped to check out one of the stands and this foreign aid worker RAMMED the elderly mad she was pushing in a wheelchair into my leg. i dealt though, because i mean i probably shouldnt have just abruptly stopped....then again she did also hit sharon while we were walking for no reason. so ok whatever that happens, that shit happens all the time, but the real story is after we got away from the vicious wheelchair woman and actually stopped at a stand. i was looking at this heinous but kind of AMAZING silver snake coil necklace/bracelet. i ended up deciding against it, and told the man id think about it. i tried to hand it back, he didnt take it, so i kind of stuck my arm further out, he still didnt take it so i was like "fine, whatever here you go" and tossed it back down to where id picked it up from. NO LIE, seriously NO LIE, he goes something along the lines of, "UGHARRGHH" and thennnnn PUNCHED ME. i swear to god. he HIT me in the arm like he punched me. i like cant even. i can not EVEN. i told sharon and she was like, "i didnt see that it didnt happen" but then i showed her the knuckle marks, because it DID happen. LORD my life sometime. anyways, after that TRAUMA i told sharon we had to leave and in a HURRY, of course we took an alternate route, i couldnt see my assailant again. HELL IM A BATTERED WOMAN.
since all of these awful things happened i just HAD to get sushi and ice cream (not exactly in the budget...) and i STOLE kylie minogues entire 10th studio album X offline. dont be mad kylie, youre brightening a day in the life of someone, and isnt that why you got into this business in the first place?
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