why cant i just play all of my music on shuffle
i feel like my mother, who to this day doesnt understand that aol isnt the only way to access the internet...even though she uses internet explorer to get on aol.
looks like fasting is just going to have to wait another year since i didnt quite make it...at all...even a little bit
sorry god!
if it matters i still like israel
similarly the break fast was still fun and delicious
im sitting in my basement right now watching forrest gump and bawling
god im such a fag
but its just like really sad that jenny dies and forrest just loves her so much
take a little peek at that
el tamarindo is the best mexican salvadorian food ive ever had...at 6 in the morning at least.
in another side:
i love fall. like i am absolutely having full on FITS almost everyday lately because fall is just so wonderful. it smells amazing outside. its almost electric, something about the air, and the scent of the leaves turning, and of wood burning, even the way the sky smells crisper right as the sun sets and everything cools just to the point you can see your breath. all of the colors are just so rich and pervasive, everything is deep and burnt, like the colors are expressing themselves to their fullest extent. their last ditch effort before the frost settles for winter. i just want to drink warm cider and eat lots of squash and small woodland animals, ride horses to work, and carve pumpkins. i want to wear cardigans and take long walks on cobbled stone paths. i want to find an appropriate way to fit words like cornicopia, succotash and gourd into casual conversation. fall makes me wish i were still in colorado. fall makes me remember why i like the outdoors. fall makes me want to call fall autumn because its so fitting. i want to gather all the leaves in the neighborhood and fold myself into them and stay there forever. fall makes me miss being younger, and makes me yearn for being an adult, when i can go out and buy expensive organic red wine and cook hearty meals for all of my successful friends while we sit on the porch and have deep conversations. fall makes me somewhat of an awful romantic, at least in terms of the flowery language i use to associate it and the inexplicable passion i feel for the season.
anyways i hear my cat meowing at the door i should probably let him in since im in charge of the animals this weekend
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