Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
last night i ordered a spicy pork burrito from a local, allegedly, authentic mexican restaurant. i was rather surprised to find large slabs of carrots littered throughout, assuming it was regional? come to find out its not traditional...however if you accidentally order the vegetarian burrito and never notice that there in fact is no spicy pork...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

view from my pillow. terror.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Gifts Galore
the absolutely astounding response to christian and my PLEE for housewares has been emotionally overwhelming. who knew that there were three people in this world that valued both he and i so much.

first, brandons kind words regarding the death of my dog, in addition to the xanax taped to the inside cover to help me deal with the pain of both his passing and my terribly upsetting move
knowing that christian and i are too lazy to replace the lightbulb in what some would refer to as our main parlor, andrew found the kindness in his heart to bring us this voodoo light. now, no, it doesnt illuminate, but yes it does blind. i wont say its helpful, but it certainly is thoughtful.
a second offering from andrew, this lovely fan he has suggested is more for him than us, because our apartment he finds to be uncomfortably warm.

a beautiful man, by the name of silvano (www.allafternoonthen.blogspot.com) realized how traumatized you all would be if i were incapable of posting my blogs. and such came the wireless router, and the birth of our prettyflyforawifi hotspot station.

additionally he knew that i would need my muscle shakes to power through the night writing my drafts and the like, and included this stunning personal drink blender.
will the hits keep on coming?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
christian and i are all moved in to our new tenement and let me tell you it is squalor.
first of all, as we live and breath i am sitting in my room typing to you and i am sweating buckets. legitimate buckets. it is as hot as a whores mouth (i dont think thats a real saying, it is however one of those nonsensical things people spout out when they become frustrated and logic no longer applies...additionally i doubt whores have cool mouths). im sure you were able to figure that we dont have a/c, and that is true, we also dont have a washer dryer or dishwasher. who would need those things. we do have a coffin with a shower head in it. that is a trying situation in and of itself. we finally got internet...but not a router, therefore we do not have internet and i am, fingers crossed, pirating this from an unknown source. the girls that live on the first floor are constantly high and last night they left the main door to our building open as well as one of their laptops and three dollars in change sitting on it on the front porch. they go to marist so its not a huge surprise they are dumb as fuck. they also stole my parking spot, which reasonably isnt a spot at all but an amount of gravel left over from everyone elses demarcated parking spaces that i try to squeeze the highlander into. on the topic of parking, i have already gotten two parking tickets here in hell in the last two weeks. that was an aside, and reasonably my fault. oh and one of my headlights is out. i dont find that to be an issue, eventually a cop will stop me and thats when i think i may realize its out. until then, ride til we die. the people on the second floor are always cooking brassica foods, so as you can imagine it smells like asshole all the time.
you may be asking why i am telling you all of this, well ill just be honest with you. last year when i moved into my dorm room i requested people donate mugs, and what a response! now yes it was only three people, one of which continues to be a mystery, however those three individuals restored my faith in humanity and better yet allowed me to drink piping hot cups of maxwell house gourmet supreme coffee. today in our costing class christian and i compiled a list of every possible thing we could think of that we desperately need. i am going to repost that here for you.
a broom
that pretty much sums it up. it would be super fucking helpful if you guys would get us some of that stuff, or really anything else you can think of. i can virtually guarantee it will get hung up. brandons xanax filled letter is already on the empty refrigerator.
you can reach the littlest chau and i at:
44 marshall st
apt #3
poughkeepsie, ny 12601
*the please is to having guests ever
as always
annie a
first of all, as we live and breath i am sitting in my room typing to you and i am sweating buckets. legitimate buckets. it is as hot as a whores mouth (i dont think thats a real saying, it is however one of those nonsensical things people spout out when they become frustrated and logic no longer applies...additionally i doubt whores have cool mouths). im sure you were able to figure that we dont have a/c, and that is true, we also dont have a washer dryer or dishwasher. who would need those things. we do have a coffin with a shower head in it. that is a trying situation in and of itself. we finally got internet...but not a router, therefore we do not have internet and i am, fingers crossed, pirating this from an unknown source. the girls that live on the first floor are constantly high and last night they left the main door to our building open as well as one of their laptops and three dollars in change sitting on it on the front porch. they go to marist so its not a huge surprise they are dumb as fuck. they also stole my parking spot, which reasonably isnt a spot at all but an amount of gravel left over from everyone elses demarcated parking spaces that i try to squeeze the highlander into. on the topic of parking, i have already gotten two parking tickets here in hell in the last two weeks. that was an aside, and reasonably my fault. oh and one of my headlights is out. i dont find that to be an issue, eventually a cop will stop me and thats when i think i may realize its out. until then, ride til we die. the people on the second floor are always cooking brassica foods, so as you can imagine it smells like asshole all the time.
you may be asking why i am telling you all of this, well ill just be honest with you. last year when i moved into my dorm room i requested people donate mugs, and what a response! now yes it was only three people, one of which continues to be a mystery, however those three individuals restored my faith in humanity and better yet allowed me to drink piping hot cups of maxwell house gourmet supreme coffee. today in our costing class christian and i compiled a list of every possible thing we could think of that we desperately need. i am going to repost that here for you.
a broom
other cleaning supplies
paper products (mostly paper towels, seeing as thus far we've been quite successful in acquiring free toilet paper)
wireless router
a slip for a futon
a bottom sheet for a queen sized bed
pillow covers for ratty couch pillows
a blanket for overnight guests (please)*
dvd player
HDMI cable
book case
small table and chairs for our expansive dining room
chairs for living room
wireless router
a slip for a futon
a bottom sheet for a queen sized bed
pillow covers for ratty couch pillows
a blanket for overnight guests (please)*
dvd player
HDMI cable
book case
small table and chairs for our expansive dining room
chairs for living room
a roomba or any sort of vacuum
air conditioner
beautiful artwork
massive dvd collection
fuckin bumpin stereo system
jesus candles
step stool to reach the bathroom mirror
induction burner
immersion circulator
light bulbs
antigriddle (we went to see grant achatz today)
nixon mask
magic bullet
andrew sherman
persian rugs
swords to adorn the walls
us as juggalos portrait
poppers (both jalepeno and regular)
mirrored wall paneling (removable if possible)
chinese sex swing (for weekday activities)
air conditioner
beautiful artwork
massive dvd collection
fuckin bumpin stereo system
jesus candles
step stool to reach the bathroom mirror
induction burner
immersion circulator
light bulbs
antigriddle (we went to see grant achatz today)
nixon mask
magic bullet
andrew sherman
persian rugs
swords to adorn the walls
us as juggalos portrait
poppers (both jalepeno and regular)
mirrored wall paneling (removable if possible)
chinese sex swing (for weekday activities)
highlighted listings have been acquisitioned (technically this form of this word makes it not a word)
that pretty much sums it up. it would be super fucking helpful if you guys would get us some of that stuff, or really anything else you can think of. i can virtually guarantee it will get hung up. brandons xanax filled letter is already on the empty refrigerator.
you can reach the littlest chau and i at:
44 marshall st
apt #3
poughkeepsie, ny 12601
*the please is to having guests ever
as always
annie a
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Enjoying a tuna salad sandwich/greek salad you pick two feast at panera in the cultural epicenter of plattsburgh, ny. Will be experiencing radio silence upon crossing the boarder to avoid astronomical fees. Clearly not my idea.
Blamo temporary international data plan. First world problem solved with a first world solution.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
its this gals last day of work, and while i may have had my "differences" with the positions ive held the guys are going out of their way and making me a special dinner tonight. like honestly, how sweet. were having korean barbeque for family meal, and ive even heard tale that pastry is making some special confections.
all that aside, ive heard the cutest mewlings this morning, and i have been praying my hardest that a small kitten is trapped in our apartment for me to love forever.
last, and actually least, i may have to end it all over leaving new york yet again. back to the baltimore of new york could be the straw that breaks this camels back.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
due to the extreme filth we live in our apartment has been infested with mice, or potentially rats as philip is pretty sure they are. i have decided to barricade my room by shoving towels under my doors. i either will have succeeded in keeping the vermin out, or have incidentally trapped them in.
my bed is a mattress on the floor. things are about to get real real.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
i am absolutely dreading having children and having to help them with their math homework. truth is i didnt know dick about x when i was in 8th grade, and i sure as shit wont know any more about it when my child takes algebra.
this is only one of a long list of grievances i have about my future, alleged family
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
from my mothers facebook. im calling it "marital bliss" subtitled "the kids are alright"
Jed is done with his job, so he currently stays at home during the day. This is some adjustment (not recommended) His first great act was to create a chore list, telling me what to clean and on what day. He posted it on the refrigerator for me to see. I thought I had been doing the chores without a list for 25 years. At least now I know what he is doing with his time.
i havent had sheets on my bed in three weeks. its not that i couldnt, and its not that they arent clean. its that walking the four doors down to the laundromat to pick up my clean sheets is near impossible, and until i run out of underwear AND the 24 hour duane read closes i have no real need to.
my roommates and i likewise havent had toilet paper in nearing two weeks. those duane read trips are on the way to work and carrying rolls of toilet paper all day seems cumbersome.
my glasses are still broken, but its just an arm so technically i can still use them.
im currently wearing my un-sweatpants (thats how they were marketed) inside out.
despite these hardships last night harry potter himself came into our restaurant and i got to feed him. it was in fact the best moment of my adult life.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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