Gifts Galore
the absolutely astounding response to christian and my PLEE for housewares has been emotionally overwhelming. who knew that there were three people in this world that valued both he and i so much.

first, brandons kind words regarding the death of my dog, in addition to the xanax taped to the inside cover to help me deal with the pain of both his passing and my terribly upsetting move
knowing that christian and i are too lazy to replace the lightbulb in what some would refer to as our main parlor, andrew found the kindness in his heart to bring us this voodoo light. now, no, it doesnt illuminate, but yes it does blind. i wont say its helpful, but it certainly is thoughtful.
a second offering from andrew, this lovely fan he has suggested is more for him than us, because our apartment he finds to be uncomfortably warm.

a beautiful man, by the name of silvano ( realized how traumatized you all would be if i were incapable of posting my blogs. and such came the wireless router, and the birth of our prettyflyforawifi hotspot station.

additionally he knew that i would need my muscle shakes to power through the night writing my drafts and the like, and included this stunning personal drink blender.
will the hits keep on coming?
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