Sunday, September 23, 2007

ani lomedit ba-ulpan

back from Jerusalem after a well rested weekend, which im sure you all have already read about in my previous blog. today was pretty relaxed we had ulpan, sundays it starts two hours late at 10:15 so thats nice, today we somehow managed to cover the entire language and by tomorrow i think im supposed to have put together some sort of 25 minute lecture (im EXAGERATING!!!!) i bet you knew that though, but no seriously we are flying through this shit. i know more hebrew after a week and a day than i do for all four years of spanish i took back in amerika.

im really pleased with how much of the language im picking up, at least conversationally, reading and writing i need a fucking IEP, you know that thing you get that lets you have more time to take tests and shit. thats rather frustrating, i mean im obviously not used to being at the head of the class, but ive certainly never been the slowest at anything...whatever ill get over it (once ive a. mastered the entire language or b. given up in a dramatic fit in which i turn over one of the tables)

anyways after class today i spent about 3 hours trying to update this danged blog to make it look better, i didnt succeed; this does not mean i failed there are GRAPHICS.

following that fascinating time we had a lecture (surprise) on our volunteer opportunites, basically they give us a list of things that Yael (our logistics coordinator/kickass israeli staff member) has put together for us to select from. as of right now it looks like ill probably spend one day a week hanging with the elderly, kicking it, talking some REAL jive - because old people know jive. then im hopefully going to be in Rahat, the biggest bedouin city, working with arab israeli high school students on their english so they can hopefully get into university here, seeing as its almost impossible for any child (especially of arab descent) to get into university from anywhere that isnt Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa - or the wealthy surrounding suburbs. if i get to do that it would be a dream, i am so legitemately fascinated with race and religion relations, especially when you add in the fact they all consider themselves israeli citizens...JUICY. aside from that i think ive decided to work in a soup kitchen, that once a week on tuesdays clears the place out of all the general public and cleans it up like a real restaraunt for less fortunate families with small children to come in for a safe family bonding dining experience. i heard we'd be acting as not only servers, but also coordinators in creating fun games and activities for the families to participate in.

so a small little israel factiod...most of what we are being asked to do is teach english, and its not as i know you were thinking, because english is fucking cool. its because all of the text books are in english and these children actually stand no chance at all to enter into higher education without being virtually fluent, in at least written english.

i havent decided yet if ill add a fourth day of volunteer work on yet, i know i need to focus on my studies, but i think the busier i keep myself the more ill accomplish (no brilliant break throughs there), if so ill either work with the kids around the mercaz klita (absorption center) we live in, or in an ethopian center.

another little factoid, when people ask if there are black jews, or why there is such a large ethiopian population in israel its because about thirty years ago one of the original 12 tribes of israel was found, that being the missing tribe of dan...and guess where they were discovered. through a few covert missions israel was able to bring these people back to the land of their origin, and while still some of them struggle to assimilate, its becoming easier...not to say that israel is perfect, but its a living breathing entity just like any other nation.

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this is be'er sheva the city we live in

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and this lovely bitch (the longest building in the middle east)is the mercaz klita ye'elim my HOME

im going to make premade pasta now!

Anne PE Alexander

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