Sunday, December 13, 2009


my life has reached impressive depressing new depths.

first i have come to take serious pride in guessing portions correctly. that is to say that as a part of my kitchen job i have to portion the lettuce mixes into individual bags. and when i free hand exactly 3 oz of mixed field greens its like scoring the winning touchdown, or something else comparable and infinitely cooler than portioning. the issue is that after 3 hours in a walk in refrigerator 2.7 oz, 3.0 oz and 6 lbs of lettuce all feel about the same to the frozen blocks attached to the ends of my arms.

also about five minutes ago i was upstairs in my roommates* room borrowing his tweezers because my eyebrows looked like christmas garland that had not been fluffed correctly. well the roomie's got quite an eye for the art, and needless to say that the decorative coral he has on his sink counter is now buried into my forearm. which is in fact bleeding.

lastly my pandora station is called country pop.

feel free to judge.

oh and how embarrassing is it going to be if i dont get into the school im telling everyone im going to, ugh lets hope that doesnt happen just for the blogs sake you know.

*the side here is that i moved out of my parents house because im a grown ass woman capable of taking care of herself

1 comment:

  1. 1. can you share your pop country station with me
    2. i'm interested to learn more about the professional weight-loser boyfriend-getter you now are (since you're getting paid for it) and would like for that journey to get documented. especially if it ever involves jdate.
