Sunday, November 23, 2008


i just got an interesting text message from my father who was upstairs (he's currently speaking at me through my door explaining it to me right now but the text is the real magic)

(cell phone charges) Anne owes $28 for going over on cell phone minutes during prime time
Ryan owns $20 for downloading games
Connor owes $0 since he is wi

it cuts off there, and well im pretty glad that it does. we all know connor is his favorite anyways, so im sure he probably just waxed poetic about how responsible he is or some shit. i assume it says something like "since he is without a doubt my favorite child and ill just cover the costs for him"

point being add another 28 smackaroos onto the 90 i currently owe pops. i suppose you could say it would be reasonable to cut back my cell minutes but its just really not. there has to be another solution. maybe if connor and my dad would stop using 150 minutes a month each (spoiled) i could have them so as to create some wiggle room. i dont know, im just musing here.

as a side, i am completely running out of clean underwear. i really need my mother to get home from north carolina and do my laundry. i just dont think i can handle the stress of figuring out how to use the washing machine, which i think is completely reasonable because she doesnt seem to think she needs to figure out how to read a text message or use microsoft word.

ok running late to work!
ive got to have time to stop and get those redbulls

edit: so today im driving to work and lets say im about halfway there and BAM it hits me...i forgot to put deodorant on. ok so if you know me this is like crazy talk, im pretty anal about brushing my teeth a million times a day, and i have like 30 sticks of deodorant in my room in different scents and brands and even some mens deodorant if im feeling like its going to be a really stressful day. so of course im in my dumb truck freaking out about the fact that im going to smell like rotting vodka out of my uniform at work, but im like ok anne itll be ok you left with enough time to stop at giant and just buy some, i mean why not add a 31st to the collection. cue to five minutes later when i realize that in my drunken stupor the night before i just for the life of me can not remember where my wallet is. which most importantly means that its not with me. what i do have is four wrinkled slightly damp dollar bills, 2 dollars in sticky quarters, and a small handful of nickels and dimes, which were also grossly sticky from all the times ive spilled bevs in my cup-holders. basically i know that what my day HAS to include is both deodorant AND a daddy sized redbull (which runs $3.69 w/o tax) and i need TWO of them because i cant not get winston one. so i get to giant and there are decisions to be made. the issue is that i just will not steal anything. i just will not. i cant. but i HAD to have my red bulls and since there was no possible way i could imagine stealing them that meant i kind of had to borrow some deodorant. so i walked into the toiletries aisle, sketchily sketchily, and when i say that i mean my palms were like dripping in sweat because im a good person and i was just about to vomit. ugh i wish my ocds didnt collide, maybe i could get over not having deodorant for a day, but i couldnt, so i stood there for like 5 minutes looking at all the different brands while these two women picked out the stick they were actually going to purchase and then when they left i picked up that unscented ban in the green package (i was actually pretty tempted to get the ashley tisdale special edition teen deodorant), took the cap off, removed the plastic piece, clicked it up... applied a thin layer... clicked it down, put the plastic back, the cap back, placed it back it its spot, and then swallowing the guilt puke in my mouth i ran to my car, drove straight to sunoco and bought two red bulls with sweaty bills and dimes. everyone at work said that im awful, but i bet they would think i was a whole lot more awful if i smelled like b.o. all shift instead of like dior and dove shampoo.



  1. Dear Anne,

    There are tears in my eyes from reading this post. Honestly, out of control. I'm laughing like an idiot in saxby's imagining you "borrowing"deodorant from giant.

    keep on keeping it classy :)

  2. so i don't quite understand why you LEFT THE STICK there instead of simply taking the stick of ban. i'm sure it could have easily found its way into your coat (being that it is in fact COLD outside, and you should be wearing some kind of outerwear with pockets)

    Actually, if they ever review the surveillance tape, they might feature you on America's Most Disgusting Criminals...leaving your armpit germs all over a brand new stick of deodorant. It would be even funnier if someone purchased the stick later on during the day, because honestly, do you open deodorant in the store to make sure the plastic covering is on top of it?

    I personally like buying the ones with the plastic sticker over the holes. Secret Platinum Plus...

    I do understand the dire straits of your situation given my obsession with deodorant. I carry a mini-stick with me at all times since I don't own a car and inevitably after a day of classes and 8-10 hours of serving, I will need to re-apply before heading out to socialize.

    I like that you were in a quandry and decided to just GO FOR IT. go girl go.
