Wednesday, November 5, 2008

election results

my brothers call my mother president omamma as of this morning

since i got home there has been an ongoing battle between my middle brother connor and i over my bathroom. see the thing is my room is in the basement and it has a full bathroom connected to it. connors room is on the top floor and he and my youngest brother share another full bath that isnt attached to either of their rooms. for the year i was gone connor got pretty used to showering down here, and when i came back i had a couple of issues with it but we talked them out and i decided not to be a raging bitch and just deal for the time being. well then i notice that my face wash (that i pay for myself mind you) is disappearing at a rate that i can only imagine he was whacking off with it, maybe he likes to exfoliate his dick i dont know. so we have our second talk about not using my bathroom. he concedes to not j.o. with my morning burst, things are good...for like a minute. i go to take a shower and not one of the three towels that are specifically mine are in my room. no instead all three are crumpled up wet in his room and smell like athletes foot. we have our next talk, he agrees to start using his own towels. - side: i wish my mother werent so laissez-faire with her child rearing sometimes - now mind you even after these talks he still is only using my towels and my face wash, but hes been getting slightly better about remembering to bring the towels back. cut to about a week ago im hanging out with a friend and he asks me why it is that i 1. use sensitive tooth paste what am i 80, 2. if i have a mustache because there is so much hair not only in the sink but in the tub and 3. its interesting that i just leave my preperation h just hanging on out there for everyone to see. i kind of loose my shit a little. you cant shave your head in my bathroom and just not clean it up, i dont have little black hairs all over my body and i sure as heck dont have 'roids...although i do kind of like that tooth paste its soothing. anyways i didnt bring it up to him because i like didnt want to embarrass him (even though in all honesty i think the prep h is for a soccer injury) but still so then today he barges in my room to take a pillow off my bed and im all like "are you taking my pillow" and he goes "no im taking my pillow i slept in here while you were in vegas" well that was basically about it. i hung up my phone and followed him upstairs in time to here him say to my mother "dip momma dip" and my mother is laughing hysterically whilst scrap-booking. my family is out of their minds. i got nothing solved and i can expect to have to listen to the red hot chili peppers everyday still while connor showers in my room and i have to tip toe around his highness.



  1. hysterical and half. at least you're good for something.

  2. ps: does my pic look familiar????? elderly holocaust survivor purim bash rooftop anyone???
