Wednesday, August 26, 2009


ugh im 22. aging isnt for sissies, as my grandmother would say. luckily for me in her infinite depression she has been able to spare a few minutes to spread her negativity to me on my birthday. as i lay there on my blow up mattress hovering mere inches off the hardwood floor i listened to how the golden years are comprised of death and boredom. i realized i may not be getting out of this bed, as assuredly my bones had weakened, and my joints cemented shut irreparably whilst sleeping and my 21 rolling ahead a digit. miracles of miracles somehow 22 doesnt feel too different from 21. however i did have one of my meltdowns, or epiphanies depending on how well you know and or like me.

in the last two days i have dropped out of school (again) pending paperwork - but everyone knows i am white enough to be a wizard at all things involving red tape and bureaucracy - and have begun the application process at two culinary schools. one here in the great state of new york, the other in the second city. big life changes shouldnt be given too much thought. everyone knows that.

but like seriously who really knows whats going on.


ps imagine being my parents...i know right

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


first performance. ever. nervous.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


someone has stolen my magical elixir, my pheonix tear-drops, my ghb!

before i left the apartment this afternoon i dripped a few priceless drops of colloidal silver into my pink ridden eye and went out for a quite lovely afternoon of park walking and movie watching with people who are smarter than me. when i returned to my extreme dismay my beloved drops had been removed by someone. i can only think of two people who might have done this. and i live with both of them. i am of the opinion one is more likely than the other. this does not leave me pleased. instead of ranting i will now post a bit of information on colloidal silver that i researched on wikipedia, because wikipedia is the only form of research someone of my temperament would do to know they had reached the final, and truest conclusion.

"It is illegal in the U.S. and Australia for marketers to make claims of medical effectiveness for colloidal silver, but some websites still list its use for the prevention of colds and flu, and the treatment of more serious conditions such as diabetes, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis, among other diseases.[13][14] There is no medical evidence that colloidal silver is effective for any of these claimed indications."

as you can no doubt tell it is imperative that i get my medicine back or my illnesses* will never be cured.


*note the plural - as has long been suspected i have confirmed with myself that i do in fact have chronic fatigue syndrome


i have pink eye. the origins of which are shady. being an adult is hard. also i might not actually be an adult. i accepted medication from a friend on the street at midnight in a vile with a dropper. i asked how big it would be and if i could fit it in my pocket. he said dont worry it just looks like a vile of g. i said oh awesome. then i realized it's probably not necessarily that awesome if i walk into a bar with a suspicious vile of clear liquid with a dropper and no label that most closely resembles the date rape drug. luckily i dont mind taking a gamble here and there (obviously, reference: pink eye) and things worked out just fine.


Saturday, August 1, 2009


hello friends, i'm writing to you today from my neighborhood starbucks (also known as the place in which i receive internet access from for a monthly fee). when i moved here i bought myself instant coffee because i was being thrifty. now i spend $2.60 every single day on a grande iced coffee with skim milk. im honestly not even sure if i like this drink or not, but its only $2.60 and that's including tax. as you may have noticed i don't really have a theme for this posting. i just kind of wanted to write something. also the bathroom is on the fritz again. so basically being in my apartment becomes inconvenient occasionally. whereas starbucks allows patrons and passers-by alike to use their facilities. this is another reason i always buy coffee. i feel badly about using starbucks as an extension of my living space. i probably shouldn't feel bad, i mean i do pay to use the internet here already, and they really don't care that the bathroom is a free for all, but i definitely do come here with my morning hair. for those of you that have been subjected to morning hair you know that this is not a pretty thing. this is a thing to be feared. unfortunately after knowing one another for approximately two years (one of which we were forced into tight living conditions) leore finally came face to face with morning hair one muggy july afternoon whilst bobby and i were making a subway (eat fresh) run in gramercy. there was pure terror in her eyes, and this is someone who will be a part of my bridal party. imagine how my baristas must feel. that and i generally pay them in loose change.

thats probably enough for now. oh if you were reading to check up on me and my job situation i have two fake internships. don't ask, i don't have answers. all i know is that nothing is going on my resume after the summer is over.
